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Link to SkyRide Technology web site. On April 11, 2017, JPods completed a contract with SkyRide to install our robotics and network on their human powered rides.

Link to article:  SkyRide On Carnival Vista Is Best Cruise Ship Feature In 2016

Carnival Vista 2016 operational. Currently only human-powered systems are used on ships.

JPods is working with Sky Ride Technology to increase capacity and improve the ability to put multiple riders with varying degrees of power on the same network.

KeevaBarnRide from Bill James on Vimeo.

GoPro Collision Avoidance 170411 from Bill James on Vimeo.

SkyRide JPods BikeTest Groundview 170411 from Bill James on Vimeo.

Applying JPods Robots and Networks to SkyRide from Bill James on Vimeo.


Collision Avoidance Testing 170406 from Bill James on Vimeo.

SkyRide JPods Braking Tests 170408 from Bill James on Vimeo.


SkyRideCarnival12vehicleColorRails from Bill James on Vimeo.

Click to download the Proposal_161110 and FlowCharts

PDF with four images per page (high quality version of the attached)

PDF with one image per page

Power Point





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