Objective: JPods privately funds construction and puts into operation solar-powered mobility networks between BWI Terminal, Car Rental, and Amtrak/MARC by:
- Oct 31. 2019 as a strech goal. Operation by the holiday season.
- Oct 31, 2020 as a fixed objective.
Action Required:
- Conditional Utility Permit to build a JPods LLC patented solar-powered mobility network between BWI Terminal, Car Rental, and Amtrak/MARC.
- This Conditional Permit is similar to that issued to the Boring Company for Hyperloop.
- JPods LLC:
- Provide Reports that remove the Conditional status for:
- Capital Plan -
- Training Network Plan
- Project Plan
- Geotech Report
- Route Alignment
- Energy Plan
- Safety Plan
- Instrumentation Plan
- Maintenance Plan
- Build the Training system as fast a practial within specifications and ASTM F24 safety certifications.
- Remove the "Conditional" status of the Conditional Utility Permit by completing all listed Plans (Step 1) to the safisfaction of Maryland DOT and Maryland Department of Labor.
- Build, certify, and operate the completed network.
Data on BWI:
- 68,829 passenger/day
- 25 million pounds/day of cargo
- 9,717 Employees
- Ground transport daily:
- Train 1,776
- RideServices 1,740
- Taxi 955
Likely Route Alignment:
Starting at Amtrak/MARC Station:
Wider view from Amtrak/MARC Station on the lower left and terminal on the upper left. Car rental is off image to the lower right.
Looking from the hotels area toward BWI termial. Car rental and train station is off image to the right.
Coming into the BWI terminal. A station would be integrated into the garage.
First parking garage coming into BWI.
Wrapping around the near parking garage. Station would likely be integrated into the parking garage.
Phase 1:
From Car Rental, less than 10 minutes to car rental or trains.
From Terminal, less than 10 minutes to car rental or trains.
From Trains, less than 10 minutes to car rental or terminal.
Phase 2:
The following image illustrates the number of equivalent lanes of traffic a single JPods rail can carry. There are 13 JPods vehilces in the same space required for 2 cars complying with the 3 Second Safety Rule. This equates to over 6 lanes of highway capacity on a single JPods rail.
Payback is based on cutting costs by 90%.
Fly over to various points on the BWI Network.
Fly along with a vehicle traveling to various points on the BWI Network.
Summary 3-minute video of JPods.