Establish a regulatory framework that can be funded in 2020. Bureacracies need a
- Define a regulatory framework that will support implementation based on performance instead of the whims of the governing: Solar Mobility Act.
- Reason:
- Without the Rule of Law costs cannot be defined nor capital raised to build projects.
- Liberty is essential for innovation
- Federal highway and other transportation programs are lawless violations of the Constitution's "post Roads" restriction. This Divided Sovereignty restriction was voted into the Constituton 8 states to 3 on Sept 14, 1787 to prevent a Federal transportation monopoly from repeating the defects of the King's transportation monopoly. The unconstitutional Federal monopoly had done far worse than the King's; it created Civilization Killers of Peak Oil, oil-dollar funded terrorism, oil-wars since 1991, pollution tilting the balance of nature with Climate Change, $18 trillion in Federal debt since US Peak oil in 1970, subordinated the survival of America to the power for foreign oil, and is creating a police state to defend against the terrorism it funds with oil-dollars. Illicit Energy is energy outside self-reliance. Federal support for Illicit Energy from foreign oil repeats the path to war of Federal support for Illicit Energy from slavery.
- Provisions for obtaining non-exclusive use of Rights of Way (ROW):
- Construction is privately funded.
- Operations are performed without government subsidies.
- Exceed 120 passenger-miles per gallon.
- Exceed safety of already approved transport modes using ROW.
- Environmental approvals based on exceeding the 120 passager-miles per gallon.
- Pay 5% of gross revenues for non-exclusive use of ROW.
- Regulate by ASTM F24 Technical Committee (Theme park regulations. Theme parks are cities designed for pedestrians with a safety record thousands of times better than DOTs).
Align the capital and technology for a 10x increase in benefits by retooling transportation.
Create a capital flow process that allows construction capital to recover investments within 3 years.
- Start small, iterate relentlessly based on the Prime Law of Networks to build networks with paybacks of less than:
- 5 years for the LMCs for the first 5 years.
- 10 years for the first 10 years.
- 15 years for networks after 15 years.
- Example Proforma Spreadsheet for paybacks:
- Grand Junction Line, Somerville, MA
- Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
- Example Networks:
- Massachusetts
- Convention Center to South Station
- Grand Junction Line
- Track 61 from Convention Center to Back Bay
- Minnesota
- St Paul
- Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Empower people to concieve a sustainabel future and demonstrate the emergent leader capacity:
- RouteTime™ software for estimating network capabilities and costs.
- 3D-JPods to create 3D models of JPods networks for visualization in GoogleEarth.
- Videos
- Video on the 10 benefits of solar powered mobility
- Garden Girls Presentation to Fremont City Council
- TEDx Atlanta talk
- Converting $20 billion per year into value of the $35.8 billion the people of New Jersey spend on traffic.
- Converting $9 billion per year into value of the $15.9 billion the people of Massachusetts spend on traffic.
- Traffic videos
SkyRide on the Carnival Vista. Carnival ordered for a second ship.
- Green Screen Videos
- 2-Page Summary of JPods
- Economic Developement using LaGuardia as the case.
- Agreement Documents:
- Pathfinder Agreement Document
- Letter of Interest
- Letter of Intent,
- Memoraum of Agreement
- Performance Standard Ordnance
- Rights of Way franchisechise Ordnance
- Other links:
- JPods Executive Summary
- Bay State Sunway Executive Summary
- Mayor of Morgantown Letter
- 2010 Payback Audit of Morgantown PRT
- Senate Letter from 1974
- Congressional Office of Technology Assessment Study PB-244854
- 2007 New Jersey Legilslature Study of PRT
- Lean Thinking applied to mobility process
- Constitutional foundation for allowing innovation
Madison, Federalist #62:
What prudent merchant will hazard his fortunes in any new branch of commerce when he knows not but that his plans may be rendered unlawful before they can be executed? What farmer or manufacturer will lay himself out for the encouragement given to any particular cultivation or establishment, when he can have no assurance that his preparatory labors and advances will not render him a victim to an inconstant government? In a word, no great improvement or laudable enterprise can go forward which requires the auspices of a steady system of national policy.
Recognize the importance of liberty and proper roll of governments:
- Recognize the difference between community and governments:
- We gather into communities to collaborate and cooperate to optimize our ability to profit, to add more value than our cost to compete.
- We create governments to monopolize violence to coerce compliance with law.
- Recognize the Constitution's Divided Sovereignty:
- Federal: Effectively wage war when necessary and coerce behaviors that create paths to war when possible.
- State and Local: Police criminal behaviors and resolve civil disputes. Federalist #10 explains the importance of diverse state economies to preventing a Tyranny of the Majority.
- Recognize that the nature of innovation and governments are incompatible:
- Governments monopolize violence to coerce compliance with law.
- Innovation is a disruptive compliance failure.
- The near century of rotary telephones under Federal monopoly illustrates how government stifles innovation. After the Rule of Law, enforcing the Constitution, was restored in 1982, millions of jobs were created delivering better services at lower costs.
- The Federal highway monopoly wiped out half the freight railroads and created Civilization Killers of oil-wars, oil-dollar funded terrorism, Climate Change, $20 trillion in debt, etc....
- Success of Morgantown’s PRT network has been blocked by DOT policies:
- Recognize that liberty is the source of the general welfare as two aspects intertwine in a Darwinian crucible of Creative Destruction:
- Offering of Choices: Liberty is society's tolerance of a disruptive minority offering choices. Commercial innovators are often a minority of one and disrupt entire sectors of the economy.
- Sorting Choices: Liberty of each of us to choose between choices in usufruct capitalism, free markets with all costs capitalized into price, aggregates the wisdom. Choices offered fail or are promoted based on value to self-interest.