Oil-dependent transport moves a ton to move a person in congested traffic.
Traffic costs the people of New York $48.9 billion per year
- $25.2 billion on foreign oil
- $17.8 billion on accidents
- $5.9 billion on congestion
Recover $9 billion per year by moving only the person and freight above the roads. Solar-powered transportation is safer, faster, cleaner and affordable. On-demand mobility regardless of age, ability or wealth. Life requires energy. Energy self-reliance. Links to
- Physics: It costs less to move less.
- Concept: Computer controlled, ultra-light JPods rail networks move people and cargo on-demand; a Physical-Internet; a circulatory system for an economic community.
- Legal: Pass the Performance Standard Law of Massachusetts Senate Bill #1837. Build with private capital and exceed 5-times the energy efficiency of highways.
- Market Niche: On-demand mobility for highly repetitive, commuter-range transport of cargo and people.
- Safety: > 2,000 times safer than cars.
- Emissions: Zero.
- Congestion: Zero.
- Efficiency: 200 watt-hour per mile. Mobility savings are amplified by the 6x Net Energy of solar over oil.
- Power: Solar collectors gather 25,000 vehicle-miles of power per mile of rail per day. Distributed transportation grid harvests distributed natural power.