Logan Airport from Bill James on Vimeo.
Logan Airport, Ferry To Blue Line from Bill James on Vimeo.
Route-Time™ travel time maps of Boston. From the Red Cross where you can walk, ride, walk is:
- Green is 5 minutes
- Blue is 10 minutes
- Yellow is 20 minutes

Videos of Boston City Council hearing, Oct 5, 2015. We believe the hearing will result in a Boston City Council resolution of support for Massachusetts Senate Bill #1837.
Congestion can solved by recovering $9 billion a year from the $19.9 billion a year traffic costs the people of Massachusetts. Once liberty to choose mobility solutions is restored, as specified by Massachusetts Senate Bill #1837, people will choose cleaner, faster, safer, and more affordable mobility networks than government mandated highways and mass transit. MA Climate Change Report.
Yearly traffic costs in Massachusetts are about $15.7 billion:
- $6.7 billion per year sent of foreign gasoline (link) ($2.40 per gallon).
- $6.0 billion per year on accidents (link).
- $3.0 billion per year spent on congestion (link).
Massachusetts desperately need to save $15.7 billion per year in traffic costs:
Yet, radically safer and more efficient transportation is very well understood:
- Freight railroads average 476 ton-miles per gallon (link).
- The Personal Rapid Transit (PRT or podcar) network in Morgantown has delivered 110 million oil-free, injury-free passenger-miles since being built as a solution to the 1973 Oil Embargo in 1975. In that same period of zero injuries, 1.7 million Americans died on the government highway monopoly. Highway accidents are not accidents. Who they happen to is random, that they happen is a design feature of the highway network.
JPods networks combine the efficiency of railroads with the on-demand service of the Internet, the Physical Internet®.
Senate Bill #1837. Gasoline prices are up 35% in 2016. Unemployment follows gas prices in 2 years.