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Life requires energy.

  • Energy in a crisis becomes extremely valuable.
  • Rescue-Rail increases energy efficiency by 20 times.

Rescue-Rail has the same 10X benefits as do all JPods networks. The primary difference is the use of overhead structures that are designed to be deployed and removed.

Video of the 10X benefits

90-second summary of JPods

Rescue Rail™ is designed to reduce the cost and energy of recovering from crisis. 

The JPods team has a significant experience in large scale logistics, technology, safety, and solar energy. Six examples:

  • Charlie Fletcher was the Commanding General of the US Army Transportation Command and for Logistics for the invasion of Iraq. 
  • Frank Pao created BITER™, building integrated solar collectors. The collectors over MetLife Stadium in NJ are an example.
  • Mike Teske was a leader the the certification of 110 major thrill rides for Disney and Universal Studios.
  • Scott Olson invented Roller Blades and SkyRide. Skyride is on three Carnival Cruise ships and was awarded Best Cruise Ship Feature of 2016 and 2017.
  • Bill James wrote WebClerk enterprise software recognized as The Best New High Tech Product of the Year in Minnesota and invited on two national tours with Apple Computer.
  • Three members have multiple patents and experience in microgrids to store power collected beyond immediate needs.

This team brings the ability to:

  • Recruite, for temporary duty, fromer military officers to aid in the complicated issues of a disaster.
  • Experience collaborating with local police, military units, NGOs, and other civic groups. 
  • Experience in building supply chains and managing complex logistical issues.
  • Technology to create and coordinate temporary supply chains.




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