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Medium Traffic on Snelling Avenue

Snelling Medium Traffic from Bill James on Vimeo.


- Camera 5ft off the ground

- camera is approximately 50 feet from where a pole would be placed

- starting parallel, tilt camera approximately ?? degrees towards projected rail system  

- Camera 5ft off the ground

- camera is approximately 50 feet from where a pole would be placed

- starting parallel, tilt camera approximately 20 degrees towards projected rail sys


ELF Carrier

JPods networks are for commuter-range transport of people and cargo. Last-mile, neighborhood mobility will have to be supplied by things such as the ELF, bicycles, walking, and other local solutions. Here is a simple ELF carrier we tested to see how feasibile the concept is. It will work fine.


JPods: Simple ELF Carrier from Bill James on Vimeo.


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