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State versus Federal Regulation

Liberty creates the general welfare as two aspects intertwine in a Darwinian crucible of creative destruction:

  • Liberty is society’s tolerance of disruptive minorities offering choices. JPods, Hyperloop, etc. are offering people to a means of cutting their transportation costs 90% and powering mobility with sunshine. We are going to be very disruptive.
  • Liberty is society’s tolerance of free markets to sort and kill off most offers. The aggregated wisdom of all of us, with each of us acting in our own self-interests is wiser than the wisest of us at choosing between choices, commercializing a few and starving most to death. 


Current Federal policies deny liberty for offering choices and force the choice of the Governing on the Many.


Safety is not the issue. Two metrics:

  • In the same period of time Morgantown’s PRT has delivered 110 million injury-free passenger-miles 1.7 million Americans have been road-killed.
  • The value of police powers versus self-regulation:
    • Thrill rides at theme parks are regulated by State governments using the ASTM F24 standards. Subject to civil and criminal law the nearly 500 million theme park visitors each year experience an injury-rate of 0.2 per million.
    • Self-regulated government DOT monopolies have a death rate of 118 per million. I grant you that DOT can do little to make roads more safe. It is highly probable 33,000+ people will be road-killed this year, next year, etc…. The safety issue is that DOT’s blocked deployment of PRT networks since Trisha Nixon opened the Morgantown network in 1972. 
      • Example:
        • In 2004 the New Jersey Legislature mandated NJDOT study PRT.
        • In 2007 the Report was published that PRT could solve NJ traffic problems.
        • In 2014 the Town of Secaucus, NJ passed Ordinance 2014-23 granting JPods access to Rights of Way to build solar-powered mobility networks.
        • NJDOT then blocked JPods from crossing their Rights of Way killing access to capital. Capital not invest when a government monopoly can reject the will of the Legislature and a City government. Charlotte Valdervalk, a retired state legislators, a Republican, and a co-sponsor of the Legislature’s PRT study law setup meeting with NJDOT and Governor Christie’s office. The Governor’s office and NJDOT protected their monopoly. Link to the this history.


State regulation of theme parks have safety records thousands of times better than Federal regulation of DOTs.


The Divided Sovereignty in the Preamble, explained in Federalist #45, and reenforced in Amendments 9 and 10 of the Bill of Rights is demonstrated by the radically better safety record of under state enforcement, 0.2 injuries per million versus 118 deaths per million.


If we wish to solve the Civilization Kills of Oil Famine, Climate Change, perpetual oil-wars, oil-dollar funded terrorism, we need to change the flow of money for infrastructure. The taxes collected from the people for welfare, should be collected by the State governments, not directly by the Federal governments. State governments can then fund the Federal programs and hold the Federal governing accountable for the efficacy of those programs.


States will refuse to fund gross wasteful Federal spending as NYC's most expensive subway in the world.


If the flow of money is through the states there will be a gradual shift back to accountability. Cities that cannot fund their bloated projects with taxes collected from remote farmers will be forced to restore liberty to both innovators offering choices and customers sorting those choices in free markets.

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